Jansen Mahogany (Standard) vs Red Mahogany Finish
A common question is what is, "what is the difference between the standard mahogany and red mahogany finish?" For the American made Jansen piano benches, the mahogany color is the traditional brown color, with hints of red tones (walnut, alternatively, is a flat brown). The red mahogany is extremely red/purple, without the dominant brown color. Red mahogany pianos are beautiful and do exist, but are very rare (to the point we only sell a couple of red mahogany benches per year). Below are some pictures of standard mahogany and red mahogany finishes, so you can get an idea of their color.
Note that mahogany does come in many different shades, and some finishes on a piano will be slightly more red than others (just not to the extreme point of the red mahogany finish). Keep in mind that if one is going to be more red/a brighter red, it's best to have the piano be redder than the bench. Walking into a room, you want your nice piano sticking out, and not a bright red piano bench to be the focal point.
If you're unsure of your piano's finish or would like further clarification, please email us some pictures, and we'd be happy to offer a finish recommendation.

Mahogany Finish
Red Mahogany Finish